Orr, Gregory / Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write
Gregory Orr is a Professor Emeritus of English at The Universtiy of Virginia, where he founded the MFA program in writing in 1975, and served from 1978 to 2003 as poetry editor of the Virginia Quarterly Review.
In this moving, playful, and deeply philosophical volume, acclaimed poet Gregory Orr returns with a passionate exploration of the forces that shape us. Slipping effortlessly from personal trauma ("Song of What Happens") to public catastrophe ("Charlottesville Elegy"), Orr seeks innovative ways for the imagination to respond to and create meaning out of painful experiences, while at the same time rejoicing in love and language. The Last Love Poem I Will Ever Write confirms Orr's place among the preeminent lyric poets of his generation, engaging the deepest existential issues with wisdom and humor and transforming them into celebratory song.
February 2021